About Me

Welcome to No Sevens!

If you haven't read my opening monologue, you can do so here.

If you have, thanks for reading! My name is Dante Vertolli, I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, and I have an obsessive love for all things futuristic.

It feels a bit inauthentic to recapitulate my CV in this format, but if that's your thing you can check out my LinkedIn profile.

This is my first real attempt at designing, building, and writing for my own website, and I'll probably get a lot of things wrong, so please be patient but also I want to hear from you! If you sign up, you'll be able to leave comments on my posts, but feel free to reach out to me directly as well (LinkedIn, Email).

You can use the box below to sign up for my newsletter - I'll be sending my big "essays" directly to your inbox. There likely won't be more than 1-2 per month, but all of that could change depending on what sort of feedback I get! This is just the beginning, and I'm excited to get started.
